Find Your Party
We love to party! Birthday parties, corporate parties, you name it. Laser Tag can make it an event to remember. For discounted party types, we operate under the Honor System. Please be truthful when booking.

With experience in youth ministry, we know the challenges of creating a noteworthy event that engages all your students.

Birthday/Graduation Party
Party planning is hard. Let us solve one of your challenges: FUN!

Corporate/Team Building
Let us bring the mission to you and provide an opportunity for your organization to connect in a way you never thought possible.

Who knows tactical better than the US Armed Forces? Create the scenario, execute the mission, win the day.

Looking to add a high quality attraction to your next event? Look no further. We bring the action to you!

School Events
Your next event could be monumental but it doesn’t need to be a monumental headache to plan!

Camps/Retreats/Track Out
It's hard enough to plan a camp or retreat. Let us help with entertainment and engagement.

Police/First Responders
You lay it on the line every day. It's time to treat your squad to some much needed recreation.

Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts
There are two ways we can serve the future leaders of America. Awesome events and fundraising. Usually it's both!

Post Prom Events
Let's finish off your big day by making memories that will be unforgettable.

Parties for Adults
We'll be honest, we started this business with adults in mind. See why you'll love having us at your next party.

Long days at the field can be tiring. Become the hero to parents and offer all-day entertainment.

Laser Tag Clubs/Leagues
Ready to take it to the next level? Let's build a group that meets regularly to push the envelope and possibilities on the battlefield.

Non-Profit/Team Building
You work hard for others, let us work hard for you. We can even help you raise funds for your next project.

Lock ins/After-Hours
We get it, not every party happens during the day. Get in touch and let us know what you're planning. Maybe we can help!

Homeschool Groups
Get out of the house and get the blood flowing. Engage your students' minds and bodies while increasing interaction.